Latest Videos by Sk3islyf

Backseat 360?

by Sk3islyf
Feb 2019 - 556 views

For the past few weeks I have been trying to land my first 360 but I always seem to land backseat. I have tried jumping with a slight forward momentum to combat this but just end up falling. I have attempted about 20 360’s and they have all ended up with me landing backseat or falling. I don’t know if I’m too far leaned back or I am under rotating. Any tips would be appreciated

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Backseat 360?

by Sk3islyf
Feb 2019 - 556 views

For the past few weeks I have been trying to land my first 360 but I always seem to land backseat. I have tried jumping with a slight forward momentum to combat this but just end up falling. I have attempted about 20 360’s and they have all ended up with me landing backseat or falling. I don’t know if I’m too far leaned back or I am under rotating. Any tips would be appreciated