
HawaiiLeaving New Zealand I met up with mom and Landis in Hawaii. We stayed in Honolulu for a couple of nights and then ...[IMG]http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/member/journal_entries/1658-extcpy/0n667967807_987368_6611.jpg[/IMG]

By Newschoolers

HawaiiLeaving New Zealand I met up with mom and Landis in Hawaii. We stayed in Honolulu for a couple of nights and then made our way up to the north shore of Oahu. After a long long winter it was nice to have a little taste of summer. I learned how to surf and skimboard, hooray!Landis took some dope pictures:

Hotel in Honolulu
If only it were snow and 20x bigger
Honolulu looking pretty majestic
Mom loves overpasses
Outside our temporary residence
Da beach mon
Honolulu sunset
artsy as shit
Our high rise hotel in Honolulu
Das aeroplane
Cotton candy clouds
Landis being surface and GTS'in that artsy shit
Tanaka children