
That's my current location, Mt. Hood. Woke at 4:30 this morning, on the road by 5. We left our spot in Eastern Oregon ...[IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

That's my current location, Mt. Hood. Woke at 4:30 this morning, on the road by 5. We left our spot in Eastern Oregon to make our way west, heard there was some bounty to be found. And there was, but the sun found it first. No good. With the rise and rally being a let down we contemplated hitting the road again and making the 12 hour journey east to Cooke City, MT through the night. But it looks like we'll save that journey for tomorrow.Here's a handful of photos from the past couple weeks...
Sunset outside of Yellowstone.
Craters of the Moon.
8 hours of labor on this beast. Found the problem and fixed it. Running like a champ now thanks to Andy and Frazer. Definitely learned a lot about snowmobiles after that session.
Secret zone with the crew.
Passing through the wind farm just outside of The Dalles.