Day 1.5 @ JOSS

Arrived in Stockholm at 1 a.m. (6 a.m. local time). It was a considerably shorter flight than I had imaged; about 7 hours or so total. It was welcome news to me as I do not enjoy flying (note aforementioned medication). I had a small layover before catching a connecting flight North to Ostersund where I managed to grab maybe a half hour of sleep before being awoken by a little Swede playing hide & go seek with his parents. Arriving in Ostersund, I was able to make arrangements with a family I met to bring me the final hour to Åre by sharing their shuttle; no problem there. The drive was uneventful as well and I was able to take in the view (sans camera since it was packed away). The countryside is a bit like Northern Quebec as the hillsides were dotted with farms and pine trees with more Volvos driving down the roads.

By KapitolPhoto

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