
 Rodeofest is happening this weekend!

By Sutton


Big Air : impressive to see and to ride! Located in

the «Stade de slalom» trail, the Big Air (jump competition) will make

your blood run cold. The jump will be again this year a considerable

challenge for all participants.

                      Registrations from 8 to 10 AM at the Alt. 520 m chalet

                      Qualifications from 10:30 to 12 PM

                      Finals from 1 to 3 PM

*NEW -  A ski and snowboard category for GIRLS during the Best

Trick of Saturday night. The winner takes all, maximum of $ 500. Look

the inscription form below!

DUAL Best Trick… a true urban show for all

Saturday night, the Best Trick happening begins; organizers

imagine each year a unique installation and, for this edition,

they promised an original challenge with a DUAL. Two competitors will

be in a confrontation on two juxtaposed identical modules, right in the

heart of Sutton’s village. A fun time guaranteed for all people on

the site!

                         Registrations starting at 4:30 PM directly on the site 

                         Qualifications from 6 to 7:45 PM

                         Dual from 8 to 10 PM

After the competition, Saint-Patrick invites you to the Beat the Bull

Party entertained by Believe. 5$ / person. Beat the bull : $2 /ride , 5$ for 3.


Slope style : A brand new concept. Sunday morning, the

Slope Style course will be as high as other competition sites. It will

include a jump and different modules. Once again, the organizers will

introduce a new and more spectacular format. The course will allow

competitors to execute series of figures bringing more performances for

the audience to appreciate. 


                           Registrations from 9 to 10 AM at the Alt. 400 m chalet

                           Amateur Competition from 10 to 12:30 PM

                           Pro Competition : 1 to 3 PM

Up to $8,000 in price among which many grants!