05/06 Siver Cartel Product Preview

It's the moment we've all been waiting for, now go check out all the goodies.

By schmuck

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For 05-06 Siver has completely rebuilt our Special Ops from the ground up. We've added styles, increased material technicity, added functions and increased attention to detail.

In only our sophomore outerwear season we pride ourselves on being the only brand bringing newschool specific soft goods to the market.

Being rider founded and rider driven means we build what you want. Product that performs, product that fits and products that represents our movement. It's as simple as that.

To see the new gear go to Siver's Cyber Match Maker page and decide what you'll be rocking next season.

Outfit Giveaway Contest

Win this limited edition Beacon Jacket and Pant. We produced a limited run of the Beacon jacket so you'll be one of about 12 people in the world who has it. Sign up, and wait for us to choose one lucky winner.

To enter, e-mail: clients.us@coalision.com. Include your name, address, phone, email and write SIVER/NS.com BEACON CONTEST in the subject of the email. Contest Ends Aug 31, 2005.