NS vs Freeskier

An epic battle went down in Colorado a few days ago between two "media titans"

By Rogge

I've been staying with those rat bastards Harvey and Digi for the last two days at their lovely home in Boulder. When we weren't completely hating each other, we were throwing a few back, sharing some stories, and a whole bunch of laughter. And did I mention Boulder has been a sunny 65 degrees? The nice weather only enhances the hatred. As some of you may of heard, the NS and Freeskier staffs hate each other. Seriously, we just absolutely hate each other's stinkin' guts! After years of frustration and hatred building up inside, there was only one way to settle the score - Digi and I had to get completely ignant. Gettin' Ignant from Mike Rogge on Vimeo.For more ignancy and behind the scenes action, head over to mikerogge.com and of course, stay tuned to NS for up to the minute coverage of the 2009 X Games. -Rogge