with LINE

[IMG][/IMG], oohh, the biggest cross sport event in Europe went off this last weekend in Zurich, Switzerland.  This is the European version of the X-games...

By Line Skis

Report by Skye Darden       

Pics by Christopher Schoech   

Video by Reini Gruber/Pickings Family, oohh, the biggest cross sport event in Europe went off this last weekend in Zurich, Switzerland.  This is the European version of the X-games, combining skateboarding, FMX, snowboarding, and of course, freeskiing.  The ski/snowboard set up is a big air jump, not unlike the Icer air in San Francisco, or the Air & Style event in Munich, Germany.  The organizers extended the jump to 18m from 15m from last years competition, making for more airtime, and obviously more spectacular jumps.

The expanded gap on the jump @

Pros from all around the globe took part, including last years cross-over winner, Simon Dumont, PK Hunder, Jossi Wells, and other X-game and US open athletes in the mix.  LINE MC Patrick Hollaus was there to represent Austria and threw down hard with some very stylish 5’s, and very technical 9’s.

LINE MC Patrick Hollaus throwin some steezey switch cork 5’s

  As the boys threw down hard during the day, they also showed how much steeze they had at the parties as well!!  Unfortunately, I cannot get into too much detail about what went down in the early am, but believe me these boys had fun!!  However, we were lucky to have the Pickings Fam movie productions filming Patrick, and some of the other athletes along with LINE fav Christoph Schoech snapping some pics for us.


Patrick killin’ his last style run with a deep switch misty 5

Patrick ended up 8th in his heat on Friday, and 16th overall out of 28 riders, but his switch cork 5 was certainly one of the most stylish airs thrown that day.  But since he did not qualify, he was able to enjoy the rest of the weekend and competition.

A short pause as the boys reshape the landing @


Alexander Aurdal shows his unique style with his double grab 3

When it was all said and done, Jacob Wester nudged out PK Hunder for the win both throwing some of the best double cork 10’s ever seen.  Crowd favorite, Simon Dumont, came in third, and my favorite, (more for his antics in the after party) Colby West, came in forth.


Jacob Wester mid flight during one of his kangy flips

  But the contest was not finished as the top four qualifers of each heat were on to go for the “cross-over” title, where each rider is judged by the crowd applause.  Last years winners, Dumont, stunned the crowd with his front flip to superman front flip, so the crowd was ready to cheer on the skiers to victory once again.

Superman himself, Mr. Simon Dumont soaring high above Zurich          

  During the session, the boys lined up and dropped in rapid fire procession with the first two guys flying off the 3m wide jump at the same time, nearly avoiding disaster mid flight.  Now it was to the super finals as it was Simon versus Sandro Dias (skateboarder), Matt Rebaud (fmx), and past cross over winner Stephan “Mu” Mauer (snowboarder).  These athletes went off, as tricks were driving the crowd crazy, but it eventually went down to Simon and Sandro.  Personally, I believe that Simon got the crowd, but Sandro took the cross over win, as Simon probably got ripped off because he threw his superman front flip again like he did the year before for the win.  Ah well, everyone there saw just how hard the skiers worked it, and it will be nothing short of pure ecstasy to see what these boys have in their bag for the season!!

My roommate, Martin Misoff “testing” with a stiffy straight air

As the final night wore on, the drinks consumed, the real family was together to kick off another season, and everybody was stoked!  It was a great time had by all and especially some of the European athletes getting their first time to hang out with some of their heroes.  I, myself, enjoyed the last morning having a 2-hour breakfast with Jossi Wells discussing the future of these bright young stars.  And if the song is correct…  “We all better where shades!!!”


My very good friend Scotty Lago during quails, he ended up in 4th place


Full Tilt Ski Boots Team rider Thomas Hlawitschka during the quals


Are you pumped to hit it or what???