
[IMG]http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/member/pictures/1221750453P9130017.jpg[/IMG] IF3 in Montreal!

By mattwalker

It's that time of the year again. Premiere season. Leaves are changing, hoodies are getting broke out, and skiing is right around the corner. What better way to get stoked for the upcoming season than to celebrate last years’ video accomplishments?

Welcome to Montreal! Home of the Canadians, a 18-year-old drinking age, and most importantly, the IF3 festival. I had never been to IF3 before and boy was I stoked to go. I flew Denver to Montreal with Nick Martini, who by the way, should have at least been nominated for best AM performance… did you see Road To Nowhere… ridiculous stunts by that kid. Anyhow, we posted up at the Hilton and got ready for the Salomon 10th anniversary 1080 party.

The Salomon crew took over club La Mouche and threw down a great kickoff party complete with…

Hot girls painted like Salomon skis…..

Dancing in ski boots…


And of course… partying

The next day it was finally time for the movies to kick off. Cosco’s opening seggy in Such is Life is definitely all time. The Journal was really sick and got me stoked to go skiing. Tanner killed it again with Massive. Seany P’s cork 3 pillow tap drag was insane. Big props to Will Wesson for getting real innovative on urban… I cant believe you slid the inside rail haha.

Tanner threw down for Friday Night’s Massive party with Mikey Dangerous, who was a perfect replacement for Cali P. Many Redbull Vodkas were consumed and after a 5am Tim Hortons sesh, witnessing a police shooting, and watching the sunrise, everybody passed out.

The final day of movies was epic as expected. Slamina, Road to Nowhere and Get Lucky were all amazing movies. I don’t remember any of Turbo’s soundtrack because everybody was cheering so loud all the time. Rainville’s opening booter sesh with park style tricks on a 100+ foot BC jump is ridiculous. Wallisch, Hornbeck, Ahmet and everybody in Turbo murdered it this year. Definitely Berman’s best movie in a couple years. The night closed out with Reasons, which despite some length criticisms is a damn good movie. A crew of that many talented riders put together with that many great filmers equals an amazing movie. From Andreas’s double cork insanity to the Hunting Yeti crew’s segment, the movie is choice from beginning to end and has everything you want in a dope PBP movie!