Some things are better off not explained...

Another dream by Darcy Ujjainwalla

By Kazabazua

Some things are better off not explained... but I will do my best,

Most people can't say they’re friends with reflections...but I can. The reflection world shares the exact same world as us, an average person would never know, but I caught a reflection wandering off one day. The thing with the reflection world is its very evil, it’s a 100 to 1 ratio of baddies to goodies and this is a problem because I just caught a reflection. Luckily, I caught captain rob who was a superhero in the reflection world so he was pretty famous. No one fucks with captain rob.

They're everywhere...

There were many different superhero’s in the reflection world and they all had different jobs, captain rob’s job was to beat up girl baddies who were trying to steal money. For a reflection it is extremely easy to steal money from a non- reflection (aka realie). So captain rob became my friend and I followed him around for a day, here I witnessed captain rob beat the shit out of 2 girl baddies. When a reflection is beat up they turn into a puddle, and to get rid of a baddie reflection completely you have to get a straw and drink the puddle. “Drink the puddle” captain rob said to me so I began to drink the puddle, the problem is, if you don’t drink it fast enough they return to there normal state of reflection, this is when the reflections turned on me. Captain rob flew in again and beat down there legs, this did the trick. Little did I know is the reflections I tried to drink informed all the other baddies.

Stomping on the reflections does not work...

Captain rob and I were hungry so we went to 7/11, unfortunately 7/11’s in the reflection world are actually high end jewellery stores, but that is exactly what a reflection eats. On my way in, I spot a reflection of a black man in the window. It sort of looks like R.Kelly, “hi R.Kelly” I say... he looks pissed. Captain rob is somewhere in the store eating pure diamonds. “Gimme all your money realie or I’ll cap your ass” he says while pulling out a gun on me. Now in my wallet I know all I have is a 20$ bill, debit card with 0$ on it and my visa card that’s maxed out, but I’m not about to lose that to a reflection. I run and jump over a counter while shots are fired. Captain rob can only beat up girl baddies so I’m in trouble, or am I? Captain rob flies in and beats down R.Kelly’s legs, turns out R.Kelly is just an ugly black chick.

R.Kelly not a man....

Unfortunately there are still baddies in the 7/11 that are after me, two girl baddies are trying to get a hold of my wallet but I won’t give it to them, captain rob is busy drinking up the remains of R.Kelly’s body, what do I do? I see a mirror, so I jump through it.

To be continued...