Never gonna give you up

Getting Rick Rolled and this weeks links!

By Rogge

A few weeks ago one my favorite columnists, Bill Simmons introduced me to the growing phenomenon known as "getting Rick Rolled." For those of you not hip to this movement, Rick Rolling someone is sending a message like, "Yo, check out this insane urban rail Tanner did for his new movie!" and instead of sending a real youtube link, you send this one. I vowed never to use this joke as my first experience getting Rick Rolled was sent by my friend Katherine and claimed to be an embarrassing video of a friend. Bitch. (just kidding) After getting Rick Rolled, I can't help but share this really great joke with all of you, hoping you'll Rick Roll the shit out your friends sending them into warped stages of "insanely pissed off." That being said, here's some real links:-For those of you not reading John Symms's blog, shame on you. -On the environmental front, this article made me feel worse about loving snow. Seriously, I understand that Global Warming sucks and is going to turn Yankee Stadium into the real toilet bowl it's always been but jesus, aren't we trying to save this shit? Most people hate snow as it is. Telling people it contains bacteria isn't going to help. So much for Linus catching those suckers on his tongue. He always was a needy little bastard. -This is awesome and I commend her for taking action...even though I'm an Obama guy. Speaking of politics, I've noticed more and more politically fueled comments here on NS; which is great. I'm always happy to see people getting involved with their government and the election process. Hopefully this year debates on NS will focus on the candidates themselves and won't invoke personal attacks on members supporting other candidates. Regardless of political standing or support, I ain't got nothing but love for ya. Let's make this Election '08 the one where candidates say once and for all, "Holy Shit, we need to care about the youth." For those that care, this blog officially endorses Barrack Obama for President of the United States in 2008. Go Obama! back to the links...-This video made me laugh for a good four and half minutes. Youtube really is an amazing tool and so is the maker of that video. - Staying on the laughing train, I'm not sure if you've been following the Sarah Silverman/Jimmy Kimmel video feud. For a quick catch up, click here. One of my favorite comedians Seth Rogen has created a parody which is just awesome.I'll be taking this weekend off from skiing for Relay for Life (doing my best to kick the shit out of cancer once and for all)! However, I did get some skiing in yesterday so of course here's the list and an amazing video of a mono skier jumping his house!Official "I'm Going To Ski Once a Week Until Snow is Gone" List:Week 1 - Mt. St Bruno D-Jam - notable tricks - switch shifty 180 to deathWeek 2 - Clarkson University - notable tricks - Mute grab to death over sidewalkWeek 3 - West Mountain - notable tricks - 360 Liu Kang (Jibij contest would be proud!)Week 4 - Titus Mountain/Jay Peak - notable tricks - switch 180 opposite mute - Titus/following Jay Peak video guys on icy terrainWeek 5: Titus Mountain - notable tricks - 360 uncrossed tail/teaching a chick from Long Island how to ski!