
Dime sized flakes falling from the dark winter sky ...ahhh the storm was here. It had spewed a few inches in the previous nights but forcasts were calling for 3 feet in upper elevations.

By Spyder


Dime sized flakes falling from the dark winter sky ...ahhh the storm was here. It had spewed a few inches in the previous nights but forcasts were calling for 3 feet in upper elevations. As the heavy flakes continuously fell for 36 hours the hype became reality and powder bliss ensued. After a deep stormy resort shredding day at Sugar Bowl the forcasts were calling for clear skies on monday and alarm clocks were set for the crack of dawn.


The smell of 2 stroke fills the air as we rip up some of the deepest snow weve ever seen straight out the parking lot. Holy $hi# , we cant make it anywhere. Even with some state of the art snowmobiles its tough not to get stuck even in the lower meadows...waist deep pow. With some persistent slednecking techniques of breaking trail we manage to get far beyond our first expectations and make it to our destination a few ridges out.


We had a great doubling route in place and a whole face of pillows and features to ski...its on! Dropping in for numerous laps of faceshots and airtime with fellow skier Sean Field , needless to say it was epic. As our tracks filled the canvas of powder we decided to move in the afternoon to another zone relitivly close by. As we backtracked towards the main trail we realized no one else had been out at all! We were expecting a highway of sledneck fury to follow , instead we were breaking more trail in the deepest of the deep. It was late so we dedicated the afternoon to making routs for early the next morning.


Tuesday ,even earlier. Today the headlights illuminate the powder trail because its still dark. We are in search of the orange lighting dreams are made of. We charge up our trail with heavy anticipation and get to the top of our lines with a couple minutes to spare. As the sun peeks over the horizion the light energizes everyone and the session begins. We all ski a line and start picking out our next route of decent. I sessioned a cornice jump with 2 different take-off points and Field sessioned a similar cornice to steep wall landing. After we both stomped some airs we rallied to some upper elevations since the sun was running on overdrive. The powder of the upper north bowls was still pristine and we doubled each other for a few more epic runs littered with spines and airs. As the day wound down smiles and sunscorched skin was the theme...then we rode into the sunset like the Young Guns in a powder version of the old west.


Look for Filthy Rich Productions new release to see the footage....Fall 08'...."Proven Guilty'

~ Skogen and Sean