Hello Newschoolers! We finally got this team updates thing figured out and plan on getting you lots of stories and photos from the Switch team. We're going to have a few contests along the way so keep your eyes out...


Hello Newschoolers! We finally got this team updates thing figured out and plan on getting you lots of stories and photos from the Switch team. We're going to have a few contests along the way so keep your eyes out.

First, we would like to congratulate Szczepan Karpiel on his recent win of the Polish Freeskiing Open "King of Air" event. He also placed third in the night session rail jam. Great job Szczepan!

credit: tomek gola

Second, we want to applaud the members of our team on their performances at the U.S. Freeskiing Open. Nick Martini killed it and placed 4th in the slopestyle.

credit: felix rioux

As many of you watching the live feed saw, "Downtown" Bobby Brown threw a kangaroo flip in the big air but only 1-8 qualified for the finals and 8 switch tens were chosen to move on. Better luck next year Bobby!

Here's a short vid to get you guys stoked on mr Brown:

a link if it does not load:

More to come...