It Begins Again

Our first skiing update of the season

By joshbryant

Last Sunday we gathered a crew together to do our first

skiing shoot of the season.  I showed up

at Josh Bishop’s house at 7:30 am.  The

Utah crew (consisting of Jeff Kiesel, Witt Foster, Brady Perron, and Ty Barnes)

showed up there the night before, so we managed to wake them up and get going

by 7:45.  It was cloudy and rainy, but

we hoped it would be snowing at the mountain. 

We stopped and picked up Matt Walker, and then it was off to the



Matt sleeping it off

15 minutes down the road, the weather suddenly changed.  It began snowing hard, and cars were sliding

into each other everywhere.  Luckily we

have all wheel drive.  It was a slow

drive to the interstate, and then things got worse.  A FedEx truck jackknifed across 3 lanes (apparently because of

something Schmitty did), stranding us even further.  After 3 hours though, we finally made it to Loveland. 


After getting our tickets, (Thanks Dustin)

we went up to get some practice runs in. 

It didn’t take long for the team to start throwing every kind of rail

switch up and spin imaginable.  Throughout our rail adventures, the snow continued to pound the resort.  The conditions were closer to December than October.  It's looking like a good ski season for Colorado.  If you can, get out there and ski. Oh... and Ian Kirkpatrick turned an old man of 23 this same day and he brought PBRs so... all in all, it was kick ass

Josh Bishop pushing it to the limit

Brady Perron kills it, stoked he's on the team.

We even saw Mike Clarke there

Colin Kirkpatrick, back from his knee injury

And of course Jon Hartman was there

And of course what kind of Jibij update would this be without a Hartman Handplant

And even the legendary Matt Harvey was there

Ty Barnes was killing it

Chris Myers, not in a toxic cleanup suit for once

Jeff Kiesel cut up his new Jibij shirt to make a bandanna.  Despite the fact that he was told bandannas are coming.

Matt doing a sick 270 off tail tap

Willett Sherman Foster, THE 5TH