All aboard the sponsor ship

How to get sponsored, with special insight from YGO winner Matt Walker.

By joshbryant




There are surely many more versions of the word that you’ve seen on this site. I’ve seen numerous sponsorship requests. I see them every day in fact. So I thought I’d offer a little insight on what to do and especially what NOT to do when seeking a sponsorship.

First of all, when you send a letter or email to a company seeking sponsorship; don’t send them some generic request that you’ve obviously sent to every company out there. Companies want to see that you have an interest in riding for THEM, not just anyone who will take you.

Now, at the very least, you will need some photos, and video is always preferable. But send a link to the video; don’t email a huge file, as it will most likely get deleted right away. Try not to show too many falls, as potential sponsors want to see how good you can ski, not how good you can fall. Hell, I can fall. Make sure that you have something unique, something that sets you apart from everyone else out there trying to make it.

The most important thing you need to do when communicating your desire to be sponsored is answer 3 questions. Why do you want to be sponsored? What can you offer the company? What would you expect in return? Keep in mind there’s really only one right answer to these questions. If you get all this right, then you have a much better chance of getting a sponsorship.

Also, Matt Walker provided this insight: don’t be expecting to get paid on the same level as Tanner or Simon, if the company does give you anything, it will be at the ground level, and that’s when the hard part begins, working for them to get higher up... if you want to see the level of different sponsors, find out who is on their team and compare, can you do the same stuff over that big of table or on that rail?

Hope this helped guide you in the right direction. I’m off to watch Thundercats, which if you don’t know what that is, then I’m too old.