In Loving Memory

we dedicate our fun in the remembrance of last seasons opening weekend. Unfortunately this season opening will still be a few weeks away; as a result we set up something of our own. Enjoy.

By Jake...

After a Saturday of brainstorming how we were going to transport James' home built rail, we were ready to head out for a Sunday of adventure. Once we arrided at the local ice rink, we put our shovels and muscles to good use.

Within an hour we had an inrun and a take off that was starting to form.

Then, fairly precise measures were taken so that we could preform with ease. Here we see Luc and Mike shaping what turned out to be our big air competition feature.

After a quick game of RPS, luc was first up, with me following his tracks.

After about an hour of trying a whole bunch of different combo's, it was the time everyone was waiting for: The Big Air Competition. I tried to prove the laws of physics wrong; evidentially they showed me who was boss as a result of this massive off axis 180.

Luc decided to play it cool with a mellow 180.

First Catagory: Best Thugged-Out Air

Luc pulled off the 'rasta belt and baller pant steeze' quite well:

I might have gone to far.

After realising we were in public and we had a crowd of underage girls watching us, it was time for the clothes to come back on and time for james to start ripping his switch ons, tail presses, and nose presses. Actually now that i think about it, luc was gone for a while once those girls left. Luc you pimp.

As the sun had set, it was time for our day to come to an end, and for us to part our separate ways. As James and myself packed everything up and drove off home, luc was already fast asleep.

And that was that. Our day of fun had come to an end. Now all we can do is wait for season opening.