what the fuck did i do wrong.


By hendrik.

so the past two weeks have basically sucked massive amounts of penis for me.  i'll start from the top: 

1) i pissed off doug and ethan because i had to study for my exams after someone talked me into doing something i didnt really want to do in the first place (because i knew i needed to study).

2) final exams. 'nuff said

3) the fucking blizzard. Yes, thanks to the amazing amount of snow that fell in boulder, my flight got cancelled, and as a result i didnt get home till 2 am the day after christmas, thanks united airlines.

4) i only got to see my brother for 2 days thanks to the blizzard and his gf who arranged all the travel shit for them coming back from israel through here to see me and my mom

5) i have no job thanks to the "beautiful" weather here (no snow = no skis to tune)

6) oh, and to top all this fucking bull shit off, the ONE thing that kept me going through this semester, which was to get to drive my car back to college, it turns out i cant. oh, how did i learn about this? woke up the first morning to hear my brother and mom discussing flights that were coincidentally on the same day i was planning on arriving in boulder.

wow, thanks a lot world for the great end to 2006.