NS Journalist Network

NS has a goal to fulfill: to be the biggest source of real skiing news and stories in the universe. Want to help? Read on.

By schmuck

Everyone knows Newschoolers.com is by far the largest online skiing community, but for the staff of NS, that's just not enough. We have a new goal: to be the biggest source of real skiing news and stories in the universe.

What does this mean? Well, we want to be the first people to post news about every event that goes down, anywhere. And we're going to do it, with your help!

All you need is a still camera, or a digital video camera, the ability to form complete english sentences, and the ambition to go to competitions, big or small, and record the day's events.

So now you're probably wondering what you get for all this work. Well, as you know, we aren't swimming in money by any means, but we're committed to this, so we aren't going to ask you to do it for nothing. For each story that you do, you acquire points based on its quality. And the beauty of this is: each point equates to money that you can spend on NS Clothing!

That's right, you cover the event, get in for free and back-stage with the press passes we get you, you get to interview the pros and take pictures and video, you get your works published on the world's largest downhill skiing website, AND you get free NS Clothing. Oh how sweet it is!

Examples of past stories:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

I know you're interested, so quick, send an e-mail to kamikaze right now at kamikaze@newschoolers.com and tell him where you live, what events you'll be at, how old you are, what media you can provide, how much of a rock star you are, and links/attachements to writing samples. If you don't have any samples, but you know you are a king/queen, apply anyway!

All selected applicants will be able to access a special Journalist Network News Portal. This section outlines how much NS Clothing you get per story, what stories need to be covered, etc. Apply right now!