
Check out the latest trailer for ESK Media's new film, Souvenirs, which is now available for download for only $6!

By ESKmedia

Words & trailer by Nicolas Brassard Asselin

ESK Media's last but not least movie is now available for download online. The movie wraps up a crazy season of urban around Quebec City. After a lot of hard crashes, injuries, frustrations, we've come up with something that we are really stoked on, and it feels good to know we did the best we could in our own backyard. Every single shot in the movie is hard earned and deserves a watch.

As of now, the future of ESK is a little blurry. We will not be doing another ski movie of this kind, but as for me, it is hard to leave this whole thing I've been working on for a while, so I might start a new company and do something different with skiing involved. Who knows... Even I don't.

To download Souvenirs for only $6, head on over to our website at, and to all of you who did or will purchase it, thank you for your support.