Ski Season Bingo

Get 'em all and win a new pair of used ski socks!

By Cy Whitling

Well, it's come at last, my last piece of regularly scheduled content for NS for the 20/21 winter season. I spent way too long trying to figure out what to do for this one. Maybe a complicated time-lapse involving a heat gun, dog poop, and statements about global warming? Perhaps something maudlin, mourning the season gone by? In the end, I decided to end this year of content the way it started, with a bingo card. How many of these can you check off for your season?

Have an excellent summer. I'll probably poke my head back in a few times to rant some more about backcountry ski blades, as well as a book of all my comics before the summer's out. And I'm already scheming away at new comics and articles to grace these pages. So thank you all for everything, stay safe, snow will fly again soon enough!