Adopt A Ski Bum

Ski bums need your help now more than ever!

By theabortionator

These are trying times in the ski industry. 9/10 ski bums are currently homeless. Sure they might have been homeless before Corona, but still, have a friggin heart. Sara McLachlan has teamed up to help provide relief. We've launched a nationwide can drive for PBR and other canned beers, to help ease this situation and make sure that no ski bum goes without a beer in these dark times.

8% of ski bums are risking sobriety right now during this economic shutdown. At least 50% will go without enough booze to get properly fucked up. If we're really America, if we're really number 1, this is simply a statistic we must not accept. Skiing was bred and developed around beer. An ice cold beverage is as much a part of ski culture as metal edges, double twister spreads, and bindings that fucking work sort of.

While you're reading this, tucked away in your not so luxury apartment crammed to the brim with roommates, remember those that go without. You may have issues with loud music or dishes piled in the sink, but the ski bums out there would kill for such luxury. An actual sink to neglect dishes in? A working stereo?(Bob traded his car stereo for a blunt on 4/20)

It pains me that this issue isn't in the frontlines of our media. What did ski bums ever do to you? Sure they might not shower much, and might be living in your driveway, and stealing your power, but what's wrong with that? America was founded on freedom and stuff. There's something in the constitution about ski free or die(Maybe?)

I don't know, I'm not one for speeches, I'm not one for campaigns, but I am asking to look within yourselves, look within your pockets, and most of all look within your refridgerators. This epidemic is something we must not, and cannot ignore. If we're truly a great nation I hope you'll join with me in ending forced ski bum sobriety. Some people have taken a pledge to save mtn town beers for other thirsty drinkers. Their sobrietal sacrifice has not fallen on deaf ears. To those brave souls we solute you! But to to the others in America right now. As you sip your wine, beer, pour shot after shot, remember that some ski bums simply don't have that luxury.

I ask, hope, and pray that you'll make that call to our hotline and become an anti sobriety sponsor of our ravaged ski bum youth today. For your donation, you'll recieve absolutely nothing other than knowing that you helped to make a difference in the sobriety of even one ski bum. And for that, myself and the communitiy in general, thank you kindly. Please call 1-800-SAVE-A-SKIBUM or you can send beer donations directly to my house and I assure you they'll go to a good cause.