Level 1 SuperUnknown XVII Finalists: Out Now

SuperUnknown XVII pulled in entries from talented amateurs around the globe- each entrant displaying their own unique take on skiing- some street, some park, some pow, and some a mix of everything.

By Matt Kretzschmar

Presented by @WellsLamontSnow @Saga. and @CarinthiaParks

From Level 1:

Update:‼️ Yes, we’re well aware of ongoing COVID-19 situation and its impact on the global ski community. With the goal of putting health and safety first and foremost we are continuing to monitor the situation and review options for how to best continue this year’s SuperUnknown. Please stand by for updates!

A lot has changed since we kicked off SuperUnknown back in 2003. Skiing has come a long way- style, technicality, and creativity has changed, developed, and progressed so far beyond what we could ever have imagined and it’s safe to say that tricks are officially at video-game levels.

The landscape of competition, the internet, and video parts is barely recognizable compared to what it once was- but the one constant is that there’s always a crop of talented amateurs around the globe poised for a breakout, and they’re able to use SuperUnknown to take that next step!

When watching, Twig says he's typically looking for something that makes him think 'yes, that guy (or girl) could blow up', rather than that is the most technically talented skier right now. It could be a particularly enjoyable style, doing tons of stuff he's never seen before, or of course, out and out insanity. Street or backcountry shots help, but they aren't the be all and end all (and aren't in the criteria). Speaking of, the judging criteria is as follows:

10% Personality

20% Technical Ability

30% Style

40% Overall Impression

The difference between making finals and semi-finals is often only a hair's breadth. It might simply be a particularly stomped landing or one moment of crazy style/creativity that makes the difference. And those same intangible elements that stood out to the judges in their decision making may not do the same for the viewing public. There is a good chance the edit you are most impressed by might be among the semi-finalists which is why you should all VOTE NOW in the wild card poll. Finalists will be announced two per day until Friday, they are:


Women's Finalists:

Rell Harwood

Marin Hamill

Men's Finalists:

Simo Peltola

Justin Kennedy

Phil Gaucher

Pete Koukov

Vojtech Bresky

Benjamin Carlund

Joel Liimatainen

William Kalfoss

Kuura Koivisto