Level 20 Ep. 8 - Real Time

Stream Ep. 8 of the Level 20 podcast now and watch Real Time free for the first time ever!

By Level1

Level 20: Celebrating the lineage of annual feature ski films by Level 1.

2019 rewinding back to 1999: Two decades of stories ripe for the picking. Second, third and fourth generations of freestyle skiing talent. VHS to Instagram. Balance to Romance. The creators behind the imagery, (along with a few special guests), recount the behind-the-scenes history in this twenty part audio series.

New episodes are released every Sunday through November. Listen to Episode 8 now and hear Josh Berman, Freedle Coty, and Conor Smith go in-depth on Level 1's eight film Real Time. Topics include how the concept of a chronological ski movie was conceived, the Denver blizzard that never ended, and the dawn of the Wallisch/Hornbeck/Ahmet/Delorme era.

Listen to the podcast here, or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify:

Be sure to check out the film before or after listening to the pod. Listen to what went down behind the lens and watch what happened in front of it. All movies will be available for free until the release of our 20th movie 'Romance' on our Vimeo Channel: