The Weakend: Delorme, LJ Strenio, September Pow, Russian Streets

If I see one more 'winter is coming' social post...

By Adam Spensley

Cover photo: Ville-Petteri Määttä

September is a strange and often quiet time of year for skiers. It's certainly rare to see people already getting after it in the Northern Hemisphere this early in the season, but that's just what has been happening thanks to some insane early snowfalls at many hills in the west. Check out this snap of Sage by none other than Pete Alport and then mull over the fact that it was taken just a few days ago... in the Pacific Northwest.

The big release of last week was, of course, the new ON3P mini-movie. If you've somehow missed it, check it out in all its glory below. Magnus' ridiculous 5 at the Pep cliffs was an obvious highlight but if there's one thing to take away from this thing, it's that Anttu Oikkonen confirmed his place as one of the most exciting skiers to watch right now. From a dub 10 on Pyramid Gap to some massive sreet transfers, he stole the show among a crazy cast in this one.

From the streets of Salt Lake to the streets of Russia for one of the best shot trailers we've seen so far this fall. There is a lot of ski content these days and without big names attached, it's seriously difficult to make your trailer stand out, but these guys have done it with a combo of uncommon locations, on point filming and just enough ski porn to leave you teased.

It's a street-heavy week this week and you don't really get better than LJ Strenio; his part in the new Level 1 film has to be seen to be believed. And just in time for getting the stoke for this winter going, he's dropped this collection of his 2016 shots to whet your appetite.

Nobody does it like LJ, and that's why he's a household name. But the next video comes from the more or less completely unknown Remco Kayser, tearing through the streets of Switzerland. Plenty of style, mad tricks and peeing on an animated Donald Trump, what more could you want?

To round this week out, take a ride onboard with Adam Delorme lapping a single zone in Verbier, Switzerland while shooting for Faction Skis' This Is Home. How much fun would it be to be this good at skiing?