Loki 2017-2018

Loki's Ski Offering for 2017-2018

By Grant Whitty

To say the least, I was blown away with the Loki booth at SIA this year.

For this in-depth look into the new one-of-one line for Loki, we must start from the ground up.

For this season, Loki really put in work on some new and improved camber and bases. The camber profile for their unique product is relatively flat, but has a new integrated Four-Point Contact Zone, in which four-points interchanged in pairs with the snow at all times. The new tech aids the all new bases and wider footprint in floating on top of dry Colorado powder. At each contact point the bases are a remarkable 4" in width; unheard of in the industry today. Loki's new WolfTrax bases are revolutionary to the ski-touring world as well. They allow the user to hit the skin track without having to apply skins thanks to mono-directional natural fibers which lock into the snow with K-9 bite when skiing uphill. Now users no longer need to spend countless hours trying to pull apart their skins in the morning. What's great about these bases is that they are equally as smooth downhill, as they are uphill. The mono-directional fibers no longer need to anchor when fighting gravity in the opposite direction, and thus this product runs down the mountain as smooth as it's top sheet (more on that later).

Inside of this product is a revolutionary mix of raw materials. The inner-core is a calcium-based membrane that is super tough, yet flexible for ultimate play in the (dog) park, as well as big mountain lines. The second layer is primarily a mix of living protein molecules, which continues to blow my mind. This protein technology allows the product to adapt and change to a number of varying conditions. It somehow has the capability to change the shape of the camber, depending on the the conditions and terrain being skied. The third layer consists of a thin keratin-infused membrane, called the EpicDermis. This bomb-proof layer protects and holds the two inner layers of the product together. If this layer is exposed to chipping and minor damage, it has an integrated self-repair technology. Though it does take a few weeks to repair itself, this layer will clot itself and form a scab-like layer onto of itself. This is the world's only ski with a self-repairing top sheet; gone are the days of chipped skis! Atop of the top sheet is a unique layer that is not seen on any other ski in the industry. This outer layer is intertwined with the EpicDermis layer in thin, soft fibers. Not only are these fibers soft and luxurious, they also keep the inner core warm, as the raw materials within the product perform on a significantly lower level if exposed to harsh below freezing temperatures, common in the North American Rockies.

The 1/1 Loki ski also has another notable feature in the noses that enhances performance on the mountain. The noses on these bad boys are the largest I have ever seen in my life. They some how keep a thin and ever constant layer of moisture around itself. This product does however, often leave behind bad-smelling masses from below the tail area.

The all-new 2017-2018 Loki's Pros are truly a one-dog quiver and will be available in Fall of 2017 on line at www.lokithewolfdog.com and most ski-retailers in the U.S. and Canada. International shipping will be available in the 2018-2019 season, as the line expands. On-snow video review, may or may not be available in weeks to come.