Walkie-talkie with friends & control your music. Never take your gloves off again. Introducing the world’s first on-glove wearable - YodelUP! Now on Kickstarter

YodelUP is a revolutionary smart-phone connected wearable device that lets you control your music and instantly talk to a friend or a group of friends – just like a walkie-talkie.

By yodelup

Brought you by Vancouver, BC, CANADA engineers who tested this on Whistler Blackcomb: www.yodelup.com/kickstarter

No one likes to stop in the middle of a ski run and remove their glove in freezing weather to answer a call/text, or to skip a track if they’re listening to music on their phone. But we all need to communicate with a friend or family member to coordinate when we’re on the mountain. And anyone who likes to rock out to music while riding would like better control of their music. We have a solution – and it doesn't require you to give up your favorite gear and buy pricey helmets and gloves with built-in controls.

Here are a few example use cases:

- You’re flying down the hill, and your buddy is right behind you. You barely make it over a hidden rock. You use YodelUP to warn your buddy right away.

- You’re on the lift, and you feel like telling a joke. Well, it’s your lucky day – because you have a YodelUP.

- You're frustrated by having to wait for the slowest person in the group to catch up. Well, if you had a YodelUP, you could just take off and easily meet them up later.

- You’re late, and driving up the mountain to meet with your friends already on the slopes. You wonder where they are. You pull out your phone and YodelUP your buddies.

- You’re on a big family ski trip and your kids are practicing “pizzas & fries” with an instructor on the bunny hill while you’re pulling off some insane carving in deep powder. You have peace of mind because you have YodelUP and know that your kids are just one click away.

- You’re a skiing instructor, and you wish there was a better way to convey instructions to your students. Your students download the app and add you as a friend. Now you use YodelUP to instruct your entire group in real-time.

more info at http://kck.st/1STKEKI

Have a great day!