Newschoolers Week at Windells - The Wrap-up

Take a final peek into the absolutely unreal time and special friendships that are born in the other universe of Summer Camp

By Doug Bishop

Photos courtesy of Eric Hoffman and Gill Montgomery

Well that is it, things have officially wrapped up. I do apologize that coverage is a little late, but I'll be the first to admit I got completely sucked into the black hole of amazingness that is camp.

You see camp is a special thing. Sure, you get to rip laps in a super fun park right in the middle of summer, but you also develop an extremely close relationship with people who regularly you might not - and those times stick with you forever.

In my case this week, on top of all the ultra fun shredding we got to do - I managed to spend time with all the athletes. From the late-night philosophical discussions with Walker about the Economy, to the Hyper engaged discussions on the state of skiing with Seanny J, Jason Arens, Dale Talkington, Khai Krepela, Sander Hadly and anyone else there to the overall bonding with Jonah Williams, Ben Smith, Ethan Swadburg (superunknown crew) and everyone else that was there.... these are memories that last a lifetime.

Sure I have met all these guys, but rarely have I ever gotten to spend such a quantity of focused times sharing laps on a mountain, chairlift rides up and down and hours of sitting on the deck at the Ark just talking endlessly.

We really had one hell of a week.

Big shout out to all the campers I met as well, you guys are the future of our sport, and getting to actually ski for a hot second or even just share a lift line with you was awesome. Each and every person out there opened my mind to just how strong and healthy the future of skiing is today.

What happened in the back half of camp? Loads. We'll have an episode or two of On The Road with Mr.Bishop dropping in the fall with action highlights out of camp where you can see inside the whole week. Camp dropped a hot edit of action from week 2 and after that, lets just look at some photos from everything that went down.

Khai showing he continues to deserve the name "Railgod420"

Walker showing that hips just aren't for chicks.

Tom giving his friend a hand

Tom's Backflip double nose from the Part 1 of the re-cap

Sander showing he's boss both of POV and the park

Andy Parry is so excited about how sick TAFT is going to be this year he celebrated

Dale's nickname is "The Worm" I still don't get it, but now you know.

Our illustrious host Jason Arens showing he' is in fact, good enough

Shameless plug for Jeff Curry and Treefort Lifestyles which if you haven't heard of it, you're out of the loop. Buy stuff.

All good things come to an end, and a camp session is no exception. Will Wesson brought the Travelling Circus van over to campus, and we sent the week off with a good old-fashion product toss courtesy of Scott, Dragon, Spy, Jiberish, Bern, Saga and ON3P. We threw out enough stickers to kill an elephant this week too - so if you got one be sure to rep NS hard.

Thanks to everyone who took part, special thanks to all the athletes and absolutely the biggest helper of all Windells for absolutely throwing down for us.

Until next year,


Oh and PS - Noah Wallace, I'm really sorry I blanked on your last name at the intro session. Campers, I'm really sorry I swore at myself on the mic for doing that in front of you. :)

Mr.Blank as I now call Noah