Lemuel's Best of SIA

From Gear to People to Booths, This is the Best of Show

By Lemuel

There was a lot of cool shit at SIA.

Electric Moon Trooper Helmet

Alright that's not the actual name of it (maybe it is?). I did not find out what they call this hilarious helmet mask combo. Tall T Dan rocks it like a G.

Icelantic Sherpa Mitts

Again, no idea what the actual name of these mitts are, but look at those puppies. Everyone will be peeping the steeze with these.

Vishnu Wet

Kale and Emmett were the coolest dudes I met at SIA. They are the true (TRUUUUUUUUUuuuuu) definition of building a company based off their passion. I cannot come close to explaining the background of their brand as well as they told me, but I'll give it a shot. Being a history major, Kale has a deep sense for how and why things come about. Vishnu represents using skiing as a rebirth for the skier; a way to escape from reality and enjoy a sport that you are truly passionate about; a way to express who you are. I asked about the idea behind the logo, which is a dead fly. Emmett listed off a myriad of brands that use animals as their logo, but no one has ever used a dead animal. The whole idea behind the brand is awesome and it would be awesome to get an NS interview with them so they can tell the story first hand.

As far as the ski, it's a noodly pair of jib sticks made for pressing, buttering, and having a ton of fun. With a symmetric side cut and abundance of tip and tail rocker, this ski was made for finding tranny's and making the world your playground. Definitely a pair of skis I want to see myself on in the future.

CLWR (Colour Wear)

CLWR stands out as the most unique outerwear brand I saw at SIA. I loved the designs of every piece they had. Definitely check them out, this is one brand that I really want to do a product test for. Good tech specs (20k/20k), nice patterns, and a good fit. What more could you ask for?

Dakine Poncho

One of my Chilean homies at Okemo rocks a genuine poncho that is the most gangster shit I've ever seen. I wandered into the Dakine booth and right there in front of me was this magnificence that is their poncho. I will definitely be picking this up. Is it trendy? Of course. But I think it's sick. It's the fashion killah.

O'Neill X Newschoolers Jacket

Obviously can't leave this one out. Next years jacket is more laid back than it has been in prior years. More of a casual / coaches style will make all the honeys flock as you stroll on by oozing of steez. On the real, this jacket is fairly simple and no nonsense. Comes in two colorways: black and then blue with the lava POP zippers. Check it out in the product interview from Bishop.

Capita x Spring Break

I know this isn't skiing, but look at these boards. Innovation? Weird? Does is actually work and is it practical? After seeing one of my buddies test the Slush Slasher at the Stratton demo, I can tell you. Yes to all the above. Let's see what this brings to the ski world in the future.

The People

Bishop and Travis assembled an amazing content team. We had an absolute blast and put in work. We got a little bit reckless at times but we had no real casualties.

Polaroid Nation

I had the please of seeing my good friends Charlie Dayton and Danny Fuckin' Core aka Tall T Dan aka TallxT. I was lucky enough to meet some of the truest people like Hartman, Ross, Eric, Troy Haas, Katrina, Jason Mousseau, TWall, Dan Brown, Malczyk, Hooligan Mullaney (up and coming homeless rapper), the Good Enough boys and many many more (I'm sorry if I didn't get a lot of you in here). Here is the photo dump:

Maple ice cream with bacon was the main course

Wandered into the strange world of fashion and fur

Posing with the fur

Ross picked up a new headwear sponsor



Welcome to Germany


Katrina rocking those sidewindows

Dan Brown had to do a shoe

Oh shit whatchu got there J



That pretty much sums up my SIA experience. Sorry for some blurry photos, the beer was flowing and well, coordination and sight disappears. Also sorry for the delay, trying to get back east was a pain with the storm. Ended up in Tampa then Baltimore then Hartford followed by partying and demoing at Okemo and Stratton. Stratton ski reviews coming soon!