Whistler 2014 Season in Photos

You want to know what a season in Whistler looks like? Check this out.

By Ilanna Barkusky

A Season in Whistler in Photos

A photo can say a thousand words, right? With the convincing of some of my friends, I decided to take my UBC courses online and head up to Whistler. Along the way I had the privilege of working with an insanely talented group of athletes who never once stopped inspiring me! I've picked out some of my favourites from each month so you can see what a season in Whistler looks like through photos! (Thanks to everyone who's included in this post, you guys all freaking rule)



January felt like June-ary this year with warm, spring-like temperatures. Big jumps were built, and triples went down on both the ski and the snowboard side.

The North Face Park and Pipe Open Series came into town!

Lots of bluebird days meant lots of shooting days. Louis Charles Pilon getting the shot of Nic Chenard.


The parks were perfect and the sun was shining. Is there anything better?

Ross Fedyna

Keaton Carlson takes in the views of the valley while greasing the quad kink


March brought the snow we needed to keep skiing well into May! In between pow turns, there were some sunny park days to be had as well. Best of both worlds!

Zack Opheim disaster-ing one of the rail features in the Showcase Showdown course

Jaeden Schneider-Clark keeping it steezy as always


April brought the world's best skiers to Whistler for the World Skiing Invitational. In the days leading up to the contest, the jumps were perfect and everyone was throwing down!

Miguel Rodden

Rachael Anderson getting some practice on the jump before the contest

Jackson Wells takes to the up-flat cannons.


Last but certainly not least, May. With temperatures as high as 19 degrees, you could ski and do any summer activity in the same day. There are no shortage of fun apres-ski activities to do here either. Every day was spent outside until the sun went down. These warm temperatures and slush were bittersweet, giving the warning of another fantastic ski season coming to an end.

After living in a motor home all year filming a movie, Kieran Nikula and the rest of the Inflik crew showed up to hit some slushy park jumps. Keep an eye out for the trailer of their new movie, the Doorstep Project!

Zak Mousseau doing some next-level maneuvers like stalling in trees.

Well, that is my ode to a fantastic season in Whistler, without a doubt the best one I've ever had! Thanks to all the athletes I had the pleasure to work with and the people I got to meet. Everyone who is on the fence about spending a season here, all I have to say is get out here. You will not regret it, I can tell you that much!