Granite Peak: A Diamond in the Rough

Granite Peak is located in Wausau, Wisconsin and calls itself “Your Modern Midwest Mountain”. I took my first trip out to the hill in central Wisconsin and found just that, Granite Peak effectively makes a Midwestern hill feel a little more like a western ski area.

By Erica Aarons

Granite Peak is located in Wausau, Wisconsin and calls itself "Your Modern Midwest Mountain". I took my first trip out to the hill in central Wisconsin and found just that, Granite Peak effectively makes a Midwestern hill feel a little more like a western ski area.

The Base Village:

Upon first entering the resort at the base village, I walked up a bricked path to find an array of buildings. It's not walking up a hill to a place where you go skiing, like I've often found in the Midwest, but instead, you're walking up to a resort. Offices, a historic chalet, and a newer, more renovated lodge. Outdoor seating lines up around the base, topped off with an outdoor fire.

Skier: Allen Lam // Photo: John Arendt

The Park:

The logistics- Serviced by a 6 person high-speed lift, two jump lines that can be combined for a grand total of 6 hits in a row on your way down, a booter, and to finish it all off, a rail park with over 30 perfectly sculpted rails at the bottom.

Skier: Jacob Fry // Photo: Paul Kelly

The booter- 45 feet to knuckle, 55 feet to sweet spot, 60 feet to Gucci, and flat for Big Air Dave.

Skier: Paul Marik // Photo: Unaffiliated Productions

The rails- Simply put, variety without stupidity. You can find simple rails that are common at most resorts, as well as creative rails that are fun, but also practical. Best of all, they're smooth. Not once did I catch due to bad construction.

Skier: Jacob Fry // Photo: Paul Kelly

Needless to say, Granite knows what they're doing. They have shown their ability to produce such talented skiers and a park with variety, all on a meager 700 feet of vertical drop.

The Mountain:

The park at Granite is not the only appeal the mountain brings to visitors. Tree skiing on the far East side is well known to be fun on the upper portion of the run, including several small sized cliffs to send. Word on the street is that further out of bounds you can find some "Midwest BC" runs, but I can't say anything on behalf of locals for sure- could just be an urban legend.

The Cost:

Approx. $65 for a day pass.

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