Surgery Prep and Dealing With Season Enders

Getting ready for a surgery or just need things to do when facing a season ender? Fear not! I've put together the perfect plan.

By Samantha Milner

Let’s face it, injuries suck. There is nothing worse than the moment it happens. Your eyes widen, something gives, and you know your season is over. I’m currently on the #roadtorecovery as I type this.(Which is debatably almost as bad as the injury) In twelve days I’ll be under the knife for a shoulder anthroscopy and labral repair. I’m going nuts. There are so many things to do while I’ve got two semi working arms, things to prepare and gear to pack up. With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of thing I think (and others too) should be done before surgery, and how to cope with the sensation in your feet, because let’s be honest, you’re not getting in ski boots anytime soon.

My number one priority is being informed. What all do I need for the surgery, and what do I need after? How can I hide my piercing from my Dad? When can I ski again? What the hell are they doing in there, and most importantly, will I get pain pills? Having all your questions answered should be the first thing you get done. Making sure you have all the needed items for post opp should be included in this.

Secondly, I’m gonna get as many days in as I can. (NOTE: OP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY HARM CAUSED, ONLY SKI IF PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY POSSIBLE) I can still ski. Granted, I can’t do a lot, and I struggle to find a level I’m comfortable skiing at, but I’ve got two good legs and lots of powder. Should I fall I’ve got a protective cushion to ensure my arm isn’t damaged any further. Besides, I’m already hurt. My season is over.

My parents have finally caved and gotten Netfix. I’m currently setting up my list and finding tv shows, movies, documentaries that I’m interested in so I’m not fumbling around with one arm, attempting to type out “Orange is the New Black” because honestly I doubt I’ll be able to hit the right key. Make sure you’ve got back up plans, just incase one doesn’t work out.

I’ve asked a few friends if they had any suggestions, things to do before you can’t do anything. One friend would use his last days to their full advantage. Skiing, snowshoeing, having fun. Spend time with friends. Surgery can be stressful, so the more they could do to take their mind off it, the better. Another simply said they’d go Paraskiing. My favorite response was do something you really want to. Something that you’re not going to be able to do for sometime.

It’s really up to you to decide what you feel is right, and what is acceptable to do in this situation. I like to write things out, because I worry a lot, and I find having a written list calms me and shows me what all I need to get done.

Post Opp got you down? Time to find new hobbies (but don’t let go of your current ones), stay connected and push through it.

Personally, I’m a huge hockey fan. Thankfully the Olympics can tide me over during the season’s break. I plan on looking up more about the sport, watch a few films and diving into something that I’d like to know more about. (it’s been a few years since I’ve played) I suggest looking into something, especially with the Olympics going on, look up ski jumping or skeleton, something you’re unfamiliar with.

We live in the digital age. You’d have to live under a rock to not know this, which also means you’re lucky enough to have lots of things to keep you entertained. Newschoolers is an awesome community, use it to your advantage. Should you choose to abstain from social media and online activity, (and that I doubt) go pick up a book. Give a topic you’ve been curious about a chance! Keeping your mind active is gonna be important when all you get to do is physical therapy and stare longingly at your skis.

Lastly, it’s important to understand what’s about to happen. Getting surgery is a big deal. Don’t freak yourself out and you’ll be fine. Nerves are completely expected, and you’ll be up and going in no time. If you’ve had a season ender, stay strong. Get to work on healing that sucker up and strengthening it for the next season. The mountains aren’t going anywhere, and neither are you.