Belanger, Larose, Rinfret to Start New Film Company

Showing the sport through the eyes of Freeskiers, PleHouse (pronounced 'PlayHouse') is directed and produced by Freeskiers. PleHouse says they want to s

By schmuck

Official Press Release:

Phil Larose, Phil Belanger and Thomas Rinfret have started a film company called PleHouse Films (pronouced PlayHouse). PleHouse will be a new way to see the sport through the eyes of pro-freeskiers. This movie is directed by the riders and produced by the riders too.

We want to show every aspect of the sport, how fun it is of course and also to show how hard and painful it can be at same time. We want to show the self-victory after landing a perfect trick. We want to show the faces after sucessfully railed the sickest stuff. We want to show you the real deal about being a Pro-freeskier. It is a ski movie that will go further than the trick itself.

Featuring Thomas Rinfret, Phil Larose, Phil Belanger, Phil Dion, Mike Nick, Eric Pollard, Dash Longe, IannickB, Sarah Burke, Skogen Sprang.