En Route Camp BC

Nimbus Independent releases En Route Camp BC, which follows Anthony Boronowski, Julien Regnier and Eliel Hindert on a snow camping mission up into Callaghan, British Columbia.

By schmuck

Words by Nimbus Independent

Photos by Elina Sirparanta & Justin Wiegand

En Route Camp B.C. follows Anthony Boronowski, Julien Regnier and Eliel

Hindert on a snow camping mission up into Callaghan, British Columbia.

Anthony, Julien and Eliel planning the meals and rations for the trip.

At the trail head of Callahan with 15km (9.32 miles) to skin up.

Hand built sleds made the trip a bit more manageable.

Justin Wiegand, the filmer for the trip.

Setting up camp.

Snowed in the next morning.

Julien cooking a nice balanced breaky before skiing.

Julien testing out the snow right by the camp zone.

Julien Regnier

Eliel Hindert 

Eliel Hindert finds a nice drop.

Eliel Hindert

Anthony Boronowski

Anthony Boronowski finds some pillows.

Anthony discovers some dangerous snow conditions.

Wiegand trying to stay dry.

Makeshift kitchen

Dinner time

Fire was the key to staying semi-warm and dry.

Julien in the AM.

Sleeping bags were even hard to keep dry.

Julien Regnier

Eliel Hindert

Ready to skin up again.

Julien Regnier

Eliel Hindert

Eliel Hindert

Julien Regnier

The Crew

Heading back home after a successful trip.

And now, here's Nimbus Independent's latest installment of En Route, Camp BC...