We Are Twobees Media.

Who are we? Twobees Media is a media company that was founded in 2010 by William Binamé & Laurent Bilodeau. We started out like any other company of this kind, by grabbing a camera and shooting our homies.

By TwoBees.Media

Twobees Media is a media company that was founded in 2010 by William Binamé & Laurent Bilodeau. We started out like any other company of this kind, by grabbing a camera and shooting our homies. We were lucky enough to be surrounded by great people and amazing riders in quebec. We are based out of Montreal which makes it an ideal environment for contacts in the industry, accessibility to many mountains and world known street spots. Within the last year we have gathered momentum by meeting the right people and establishing our style of shooting.

Last year was a defining year for us. We had this thrive of shooting more then ever and our goal for the end of the winter was to be able to produce a great quality full urban ski movie. Once March turned up, we had to put this idea back into perspective. After sorting out all our footage and classing it by skier, we were starting to wonder if this ski movie was actually going to be made. We had a idea for the movie but we were having a hard time putting it all together. So as a last attempt to get some urban footage, we did the trek over with rider Nico Chenard & Cédrik DP from Montreal to Ottawa for a few days to meet up with Jessy Desjardins. This was our last chance at trying to make something of our movie.

We rolled into Ottawa with very little hope as a lot of the snow had melted and we we faced with even rougher conditions. That aside we all jumped into the same car and started roaming around Gatineau and Ottawa checking out the possibilities. After a few days, riders were hurting and the snow was just not holding up, so we packed up our stuff and headed back to Montreal.

This trip felt like it had been a huge waste of time. Laurent and I just couldn't believe that we were going to walk away from this urban trip with near to nothing. But this trip ended up being one of the most important parts of our winter. It made us realize something very important. It showed us the true side of what we do as filmers and skiers: URBAN SUCKS! So why do we keep doing it and why do we love it so much? And that is when our movie appeared in front of us.

Urban riding is not only about "the shot", it's about everything else you doing that night or even that winter that doesn't appear in front of the lens. We are best friends that freeze together until 3 AM to be rejoiced by someone doing something sweet on something that wasn't made for that purpose. It is one of the most gratifying feelings. It sucks but we can't get away from it.

We ended up making a movie we are super proud of and that got accepted into the Montreal IF3 film festival.

We have been exploring this aspect of our sport since and want to keep pushing this side that we feel is often not glorified. Our style in editing and filming is a huge part of who we are and take pride in it. Our riders inspire us in may ways and love giving there opinions.

For this 2013-2014 winter, we are going to be going at it again to produce an even better full urban ski movie. We have already started production, and are brainstorming a new story line to our movie.

Here is our movie from last year entitled: Clair de Lune. And yes it does have english subtitles for you non french speaking skiers.

Make sure to keep an eye out for us this winter and the years to come. We will be releasing edits and behind the scenes of certain urban spots.

Thanks to our sponsors Stanston Skis, Saga Outerwear and everyone that supports us in our crazy projects.

Give us a peek on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Twobees.Media

Instagram: @twobeesmedia

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user2973749

Words: Will Binamé, Photos: Simon Lebrun