Not Sorry For Partying At IF3

You've heard all about the lighter aspects of what went down at IF3, so now it's time for a look at the wilder side of the Festival, the partying, via two ridiculous edits from PYP and Mystic Land Productions.

By schmuck

You've heard all about the movies and the lighter aspects of what went down at this year's Nike 6.0 IF3 in Montreal, so now it's time to take a look at the wilder side of the Festival...the partying.

Over the past week, the infamous pack of party enthusiasts from PYP and Mystic Land Productions' Ben Cormier have released some ridiculous edits that showcase the madness that is the IF3 after parties, and since they're both pretty damn hilarious, we wanted to bring them to your attention. Viewer discretion is kind of advised.


IF3 Vice Cam - Mystic Land Productions