WCS Day 3 pt. 1

A full day into the night, West Coast Session Day 3 was the full package. The first half of the day was spent in the Timberline parks followed by an evening sunset shoot on the big jump and “rocket box”. Enjoy the first half of Day 3. I spent most of the morning in between [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/46/99/78/469978.jpeg[/IMG]

By Saga.

A full day into the night, West Coast Session Day 3 was the full package. The first half of the day was spent in the Timberline parks followed by an evening sunset shoot on the big jump and “rocket box”. Enjoy the first half of Day 3.

I spent most of the morning in between the quad kink and rainbow box not because they are the best features but because i’m lazy (2 for 1′s). Below Collin Collins dusts off the rainbow.
And Tyler Barnes cleans up the edges.
Up hill from my view point was the quad kink, which, as you can tell by Ryan Wyble’s disaster, is getting destroyed this week.
Shane McFalls knows what it takes to be a team filmer, hike for that shot.
Reed from team Mahalo goes full scorpion.
After a morning down low it was time to warm up the big jump on the Palmer lift before the night shoot.
The wedge.
When not camping in the Timberline parking lot, Matt Heffernan touches sky on the big jump.
Nicky Keefer also got a few hits in while practice was open. Day 3, part 2 coming soon.
Stay tuned for pt. 2.