WCS Day 2

Today was just as epic as day one and I foresee this trend continuing all week. Enjoy day 2 of The West Coast Session. Did I mention we begin every day with breakfast served by the Windells Kitchen staff, yea, the life. Ryan Wyble ready to attack the day. Once we arrived at the hill it was [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/46/92/03/469203.jpeg[/IMG]

By Saga.

Today was just as epic as day one and I foresee this trend continuing all week. Enjoy day 2 of The West Coast Session.

Did I mention we begin every day with breakfast served by the Windells Kitchen staff, yea, the life.
Ryan Wyble ready to attack the day.
Once we arrived at the hill it was time for the teams to start filming their segments. Teams you ask?
Tyler Barnes warming up the day.
Collin Collins is the best park skier that doesn’t ski park, this is just a hobbie.
Nicky Keefer on team Yoke. Shane McFalls knows a thing of two about follow cams.
Steve Stepp
Leave it to Dale Talkington.
Not everywhere had a bad season, Hood is actually having a great one, photo proof below. I’m thinking I will rebate my winter on the Windells lane this summer.
Enjoy the view.
Collin Collins 
Will Berman
John Kutcher
Hopefully the weather holds and we can get to work on the big jump, stay tuned for more tomorrow.