New Things

On a recent trip out in East Vail, a couple friends and I toured up to an area popular among ice climbers and enthusiasts.  We were hoping to find an exit to some potential lines and pillow sets. Apparently there is a ladder built to descend the cliffs at the bottom. While we were trying [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Saga.

On a recent trip out in East Vail, a couple friends and I toured up to an area popular among ice climbers and enthusiasts.  We were hoping to find an exit to some potential lines and pillow sets. Apparently there is a ladder built to descend the cliffs at the bottom. While we were trying to find this, we had some additional things to see as well.

The Amphitheater. Pretty amazing.
Big Drips.
The Fang. Not wholly constructed this year. Google “the fang vail” to see some stellar pics.
Me climbing The Fang.