It?s Spring Break Time!

Yes, it’s true, Spring Break is almost here. Before we knew it, groundhogs were seeing shadows, Valentine’s being were stamped and sent out, and … Continue reading →[IMG][/IMG]

By Windells

Yes, it’s true, Spring Break is almost here. Before we knew it, groundhogs were seeing shadows, Valentine’s being were stamped and sent out, and BAM…March is now only minutes away. Last spring we had unbelievable snow, tons of parks to choose from, and of course, our amazing campus as the home base for all your possible camp needs. Take a peak at spring break 2011, and try to imagine what your photos will look like from spring break 2012. There are three sessions coming up, which one will be your unforgettable vacation?

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Windells - BMX. Skiing. Skateboarding. Snowboarding.