
Decided to take a drive today, just to go eat at this back road spot called the Road Island Diner in Oakley, UT. I have driven by the diner a few times in the past being that it is so close to one of our favorite sled spots in the Uintas (no secrets revealed here). [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Saga.

Decided to take a drive today, just to go eat at this back road spot called the Road Island Diner in Oakley, UT. I have driven by the diner a few times in the past being that it is so close to one of our favorite sled spots in the Uintas (no secrets revealed here). Today was the day, I drove all the way to Oakley just to get a club sandwich for lunch but it was worth it, so the jokes on you.

A classic diner in every way.
The drive out there and around Park City wasn’t to bad either, road side scenics all day.