Sarah Burke - Always

ALWAYS Sarah Burke died on Jan 19, 2102. If you can't be in the mountains today to celebrate life, do it in your mind. The cool thing about going for a shred in your mind is you can always ride with Sarah, and best of all - your goggles always have the right color lens. What color lens do you use in heaven anyway? Your feet/hands are always warm, you always get "firsts" on your line, you always stick the landing, the lift lines are always short, the heli's and snowcats always have bottomless gas tanks, the powder is always fresh, the jokes are always funny, the hikes are always fast, your body is always in shape, the photographer always nails the shot, the filmer always has the perfect angle, the sponsors checks are always big, the pipe is always perfect, the lifties always smile and always know your name, you always have the perfect music playing, you always have the perfect set up, you can always ride anywhere and everywhere, the chilli in the lodge is always good, younger shreds don't always kick your ass, your wax is always right, your edges are always sharp, the trees are always perfectly spaced, the pow is always deep and the jumps are always perfect, your friends are always there, it never gets dark, and life never ends.

By CampofChampions


Sarah Burke died on Jan 19, 2102. If you can't be in the mountains

today to celebrate life, do it in your mind. The cool thing about going

for a shred in your mind is you can always ride with Sarah,

and best of all - your goggles always have the right color lens. What

color lens do you use in heaven anyway? Your feet/hands are always warm,

you always get "firsts" on your line, you

always stick the landing, the lift lines are always short, the heli's

and snowcats always have bottomless gas tanks, the powder is always

fresh, the jokes are always funny, the hikes are always fast, your body

is always in shape, the photographer always nails the shot, the filmer

always has the perfect angle, the sponsors checks are always big, the

pipe is always perfect, the lifties always smile and always know your

name, you always have the perfect music playing, you always have the

perfect set up, you can always ride anywhere and everywhere, the chilli

in the lodge is always good, younger shreds don't always kick your ass,

your wax is always right, your edges are always sharp, the trees are

always perfectly spaced, the pow is always deep and the jumps are always

perfect, your friends are always there, it never gets dark, and life

never ends.