Floating the River.

Erica and I headed down to the Deschutes to float in the river.  We were not alone, hundreds of people were out on the water to beat the heat.  Mt. Bachelor was open for Skiing this holiday weekend, and our friend Jonathon skied in the morning and floated with us in the afternoon, a full [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/30/04/97/300497.png[/IMG]

By Saga.

Erica and I headed down to the Deschutes to float in the river.  We were not alone, hundreds of people were out on the water to beat the heat.  Mt. Bachelor was open for Skiing this holiday weekend, and our friend Jonathon skied in the morning and floated with us in the afternoon, a full day.  Jonathon Chandler took these photos, Thanks!

The river sets the pace.
Matress style is the way to go.
Make sure you bring a pump if you have a big float.