Jeff Neagle checking in

Now that winter has ended I have found the time to upload things that I meant to months ago.  Enjoy!

By JsNeagle

Hey everyone

Jeff Neagle here checking in.  It's been far too long since my last NS team update so there's a lot to cover...

The Tough Break webisode series has been going strong, with episodes 4 and 5 being released around a month apart over the end of the season.  They were both in the video section, as well as on and other media outlets, but if you missed them I have included both episodes below.

This spring at Stowe I got a chance to participate in the East Coast Super Shoot.  It's a competition for photographers, where each of 5 finalists have 3 days with two athletes (one snowboarder, one skier) to get the best shots they can.  These shots are then added to any other photos they want to use (at least half have to be from the 3 days) to create a maximum 7 minute long slide show.  My photographer was Adam Baisley and our snowboarder was Zimmer Hayes.  It was a crazy 3 days of early mornings, late afternoons, awesomely huge comped meals from Stowe's Spruce Camp Base Lodge, and good times.  We didn't end up winning, but we got some great shots and it was an awesome experience.  Check out some of my favorite shots from the competition:

Getting dropped off at 5:30 AM on top of the nose of Mt. Mansfield

Waiting patiently for the sunrise/laughing at how ridiculous we are for getting up that early.

Still waiting...

... For a sunrise which never came.

Contemplating the chin...

So we went for it.

Then decided to head over to Rock Gardens

Last pitch

Line scoping

More line scoping

We literally lost the sun right as I hit this drop... Oh well.

Cruising back to the resort

Where I convinced our photographer that we should at least take a couple park laps... which we did... we took exactly 2.

But still managed to get some shots.

Sunrise rail shoot

Gave us some cool light

And the event ended with a night time park shoot

Disaster 270

A couple weeks after I headed down to Dumont Cup, where I wasn't able to put down the exact run I wanted, but had a blast hitting big, manicured jumps with all my homies.

mute niner

And another

Thanks to Chris Lisle and Ben Grunow respectively for the pictures.

After Dumont Cup I headed to Smuggs for a local big air, which I happily took 1st place in.

Keeping it mellow with a flat 3 after numerous 900 variations

And with that my season in Vermont was basically over.  After a few more weeks of cruising Stowe's parks I headed to Mammoth and Tahoe to end my season.

Arriving in Mammoth after 36 hours of traveling.  Stoked to be skiing!

As promised, here are Tough Break 4 and 5 brought to your by EASTablished Media, incase you missed them when they were first released.  Tough Break 6 will be released within a few weeks, which will include footy from Mammoth, Tahoe, and Stowe's Last Trick Rail Jam that happened this past Saturday.

Hope everyone is enjoying their spring!