WordUp Media: Trysil?s late December days?

Word Up Media are always capturing the fun in skiing and this video is no exception! They headed over to Trysil for the Christmas break and decided that every rail needed a good hit… they obliged. I love these sorts of videos where it’s a good edit of a crew just shredding because they can. [...]Related posts:Wordup Media: Live and Learn full movie Here’s what they had to say about it: A ski...Around the world in S7 days Rooster Tv present Mike Hopkins, Kye Petersen, Arnaud Kugener, Kevin...Snow days? Us British like to make a fuss when it...[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/03/29/94/32994.jpeg[/IMG]

By MagsinTweets

Word Up Media are always capturing the fun in skiing and this video is no exception! They headed over to Trysil for the Christmas break and decided that every rail needed a good hit… they obliged. I love these sorts of videos where it’s a good edit of a crew just shredding because they can.MPORA Action Sports >>Related posts:Wordup Media: Live and Learn full movie Here’s what they had to say about it: A ski...Around the world in S7 days Rooster Tv present Mike Hopkins, Kye Petersen, Arnaud Kugener, Kevin...Snow days? Us British like to make a fuss when it...