Freeskier Profile

A couple months ago my good bud Shay Williams from Freeskier gave me a call to do a short interview. We talked about some funny stuff, like the fact I was a car salesman for 2 summers to make money to ski full time in the winter. We also talked about mountains, hunting, the outdoors, [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Rie

A couple months ago my good bud Shay Williams from Freeskier gave me a call to do a short interview. We talked about some funny stuff, like the fact I was a car salesman for 2 summers to make money to ski full time in the winter. We also talked about mountains, hunting, the outdoors, Josh Bibby, and a bit about skiing. I you haven’t had a chance to pick up the November Issue of Freeskier with the article in it, just posted it on the web. Give it a read could be good for a laugh. Big thanks to the whole Freeskier Crew! GO TO ARTICLEFull site: