Travel Safe and Be Well

I'm thankful for travel. Those times when you wake up at 4:37 am, drive two hours through snowy roads to the nearest air...[IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

I'm thankful for travel. Those times when you wake up at 4:37 am, drive two hours through snowy roads to the nearest airport and post up, half exhausted at your gate with nothing more than an iPod, cup of coffee, and book. I'm thankful for new perspectives, genuine people, genuine haters, people to love, friends to see, hilarious events, and astounding scenery. I'm thankful for freedom. The freedom to pick up and disappear, the freedom to leave a location and arrive in the next, the freedom to live completely unshackled from routine and any shred of normalcy. I'm thankful for time in the air, hours completely shut off from cell phone and email conversations, spent in perfect solace staring at a quiet world. I thankful for highways that connect town to town, city to city, and state to state. I'm thankful for truck stops with hilarious t-shirts, endless subway sandwiches, water, and 5-hour energy drinks. I'm thankful for music. Blasting songs from limitless musical options is refreshing and can pass the time for hours. I'm thankful for travel, for it is but 1/100th of what makes our lifestyle absolutely incredible. Travel Safe & Be Well. photos by Banks Gilberti

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