Sweet Rumble : Quali and Finals

As you will be able to tell from the finals video, it was a windy evening in Trysil for the Sweet Rumble but with 15 grand on the line, the guys stepped up and competed. With some exciting qualifying and an even tastier finals day, it came down down to Bene Mayr and Bobby Brown. [...]Related posts:Winter X Games 14 Slopestyle Finals Coming straight after his mind-blowing victory in the Big Air...Winter X Games 14 Skiing Big Air Final The night of the big-air at Winter X brought never-before-seen-in-competition...Freestyle.Berlin qualification day 2 The second round of the skiing big-air took place at...

By MagsinTweets

As you will be able to tell from the finals video, it was a windy evening in Trysil for the Sweet Rumble but with 15 grand on the line, the guys stepped up and competed. With some exciting qualifying and an even tastier finals day, it came down down to Bene Mayr and Bobby Brown. I won’t give away too much but it was a close call for the winner…More Ski Videos >>MPORA Action Sports >>Related posts:Winter X Games 14 Slopestyle Finals Coming straight after his mind-blowing victory in the Big Air...Winter X Games 14 Skiing Big Air Final The night of the big-air at Winter X brought never-before-seen-in-competition...Freestyle.Berlin qualification day 2 The second round of the skiing big-air took place at...