NS Cribs

The NS staff give you a tour of their messy office to help cure your summertime boredom, and show off four new items now available in the store.

By schmuck

Okay, so it's the summer time, and one Friday when we were bored (and drunk) we decided to rip off Jon, or I guess MTV, or maybe that kid that posted a cribs segment on his house on the site a few weeks ago...and do a cribs segment on our office.

We figured it'd be a cool way for you to see where it all goes down, from the sticker making to the site re-designing to the thread deleting to the article writing. And plus it's the summer...so you're probably bored too, and since we're here to amuse you we figured why not? So with a little help from our very own Mike Rogge, who was equally bored (but not drunk...unfortunately) when he came up to visit us and decided to edit the video and throw in some captions we're sure you'll all appreciate and enjoy, we proudly present you NS Cribs.

...and yes, our office is always this messy.


filmed by Jason Mousseau. edited by Mike 'Move Over Scorsese' Rogge

Not so fast! Before you close this article, Jason Mousseau, who's been working his cute lil ass off over the past few weeks getting all the stickers, shirts, bandanas and lanyards you've ordered into your hands, has four brand new store items that he'd like to show you.

First and second up are two brand spankin new NS shirts, designed by one of the winners of the t-shirt design contest (JEA.) and sticker design contest (Seine_Dudeheit). Thanks kids!

And the third and fourth are two badass items that will come in handy at IF3. Custom cheezy-ass NS shades straight off a gas station sunglass rack, and beer, uh...I mean pop coozies! Perfect for looking cool and keeping your beverage of choice cool as the summer comes to a close.

All four of these items are scheduled to show up at the office this week, so head on over to the store to gets yours before they're gone, because we'll most likely be sold out by the time the kegs are dry at IF3.