Upcoming Season

Get ready for the upcoming season!

By miroz

What's up guys?

It's been a long, long while since I've posted a blog - probably 2 years now - but seeing that I have big plans for the winter I think its fair to start her back up again.

Why all the hubbub? Well this winter I'm going to be filming with the one and only Luke Hagearty, Connecticut skiing prodigy and Line Skis/Suburban Sports rider. Luke, the rest of the Suburban team, and I will be shredding all winter, putting out edits and getting everybody stoked on skiing! Urban, park, jumps, we'll be there.

For all who haven't seen this kid ski, look him up. He's coming up, and coming up fast, and there's no stopping him. This should be a very good season.

Here's some recent stuff that you might enjoy - Luke's got some shots in here, as do some of the other riders JAKE GLASS and IAN DUGGER. Check it out, get stoked for a banger season!

Mt. Snow Jumping Beans from Chris Romano on Vimeo.

Peace Pipe Jam 2010 from Milos Atz on Vimeo.

Luke Hagearty Summer Contest from Milos Atz on Vimeo.

For all those who can make it, the Suburban Sports rail jam is next Saturday, October 2nd. Come ski and shred and have some fun with us!

See you all on the slopes! ENJOY THE PRESEASON STOKE!!!


Milos ♥

