No campers on a powder day!

After snowing for a week straight and cruising the mountain for the goods, Pete and I decided to venture further out to ...[IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

After snowing for a week straight and cruising the mountain for the goods, Pete and I decided to venture further out to get some untouched snow. From the top of Laguna (a commonly hiked zone in Cerro) you can see this face known as Zebra Spines. I've watched Skylar and Coulter crush lines here all season and decided I had to jump on the opportunity to get out there whenever it came up. With four days off in between session 3 & 4 at SASS, it was on.
I ran into Seth and Pep out there filming and was pretty excited that I was just soul shredding sans cameras. After skinning up and shredding Zebra Spines we had a small lunch and skinned up the backside of Laguna to hit the adventure line. We've taken campers down this many times. You ski by huge granite spires, into trees that are perfectly spaced apart, and finish the run hacking your way through bamboo.
We had fresh tracks on both our 2,500 vertical foot runs the entire time. Pete was stoked.
I was stoked.
The previous days were absolutely amazing as well. Endless pow turns for days.
Every once in a while I have to remind myself to look up while I'm hiking. The views never get old. I'm inspired and in awe everyday.
I'm also inspired by my campers. On days when I would probably be sitting inside reading my book and drinking tea, they want to ski. There time on the hill is valuable since it's summer and they're only here for two weeks. When the lifts are spinning we're on the hill all day until 5 PM rain or shine. Obviously with all this snow it was easy to keep them entertained. Here's Maryanne deep in a bamboo trap.
If you're a mouse on a bike take a left.
After these powder filled days there's nothing better than an asado. The timing is a bit rough though with the late dinners and early mornings. Good thing I'm learning to embrace the siesta!